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  • What is the most TOXIC Food That You Eat Everyday which is Responsible for Your Ugly FAT Belly? You Eat Almost 150 lbs. of this Toxin Each Year. What is the single deadliest killer in your diet? It is just one food, if you call it that. What is the one source of most of the diseases you may likely be untimely struck by in your life? It is the same one food. You feed it to your kids unknowingly, all the time. You eat it yourself probably daily. Worse still, this “food” is added to hundreds of other foods you eat every day as well! The Biggest KILLER In The Modern Diet is... SUGAR This Sweet TOXIN comes in a variety of forms that you may have heard of: A. The Monosaccharides: glucose, fructose, and galactose B. The Disaccharides: sucrose, maltose, and lactose C. The Even Deadlier Newly Fabricated Sweeteners Worse Than Sugar: corn syrup and high-fructose corn syrup (made up of 55 percent fructose, and 45 percent glucose; the more fructose the sweeter it is; there is no room in your body to place this substance) D. The Carbohydrates: all metabolize straight into sugars. Sugar is at the root of all chronic diseases, wreaking havoc on the entire body metabolism. Sugar contributes the progression to cardiovascular disease, which is the lastest leading cause of death in Nigeria. Sugar contributes to cancer to the degree that one out of three people will get and die of. Sugar rapidly accelerates the aging process more than any other substance. Sugar destroys your tissues. It causes fatigue. It advances mental depression, anxiety, and loss of mental acuity. It is the ‘food’ you must avoid if you want to be physically and mentally powerful through a long, prosperous life. Yes, the biggest health destroyer in your diet is sugar. If you want a slow, painful death you will eat sugar morning, noon, and night, and have snacks of it throughout your day. ... And Why Our Nigerian Food are Obesity Enhancers! Due to our ethnic diversity, God has blessed us with so many delicious food and meal that the average Nigerian will be spoilt for choice when deciding what to eat. However, that blessing needs to be appropriated with caution. “Our Nigerian diets are obesity enhancers!” This is because our foods are mostly filled with carbohydrates, with lots of fat e.g. Red Palm oil. This type of food are what we've eaten right from cradle, but the truth is that, this same food are what causes belly fat and a lot of weight gain. It is not that carbohydrates or the fat in itself are Bad, it is the way that those food are actually combined. Lets take for instance, the really popular pounded yam together with a bowl of Egusi.... That large plate of pounded yam and Egunsi food is VERY fattening and definitely causes a fat belly. This is because the food combination contains solely Carbohydrates and fat. And since food is measured by its calories, it is recommended that the average woman needs about 2,000 calories of food a day according to an American University study [NOTE – This will vary from one person to the other depending on their life stages,breastfeeding mothers etc] So, lets say you eat a large plate of pounded yam with delicious egusi soup , if the calories in that ONE meal is calculated, that would contain at most 1,200 calories in just ONE meal. And apart from that, you should know that 1 gram of fat = 9 calories, and also 1 gram of carbhoydrates = 4 calories. So naturally, if you eat three square meals a day, and you eat a large portion of pounded yam like this, it pushes you over the recommended calorie limit. When you eat a high calorie meal like the the large plate of pounded yam and egusi soup do you know what happens in your body?The carbohydrate in the pounded yam releases a lot of Sugar into your blood... And The Equsi soup which is fatty releases a lot of fat into your body. The carbohydrate in turn causes your body to release a large amount of hormone called insulin. This insulin is also referred to as fat storage hormones, because its job is to enable your body to digest sugar and transfer the excess sugar that your body cannot cope with to their storage sites. Note – The release of insulin is quite normal to break down sugar into energy that your body needs to do your daily work. It is when there is too much carbohydrate that its now stored as fat. Also, when you eat fat (like in Egusi), your body produces another hormone called leptin. This leptin's function is to store mostly fat... And guess where all the fats go??? They are stored in your arms, your belly, your hips, your neck and even those places where you have love handles.... That is why you'll sometimes even see a slim person with a big pot belly. So What can you do to stop this fat from our Nigerian Meals...?

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